COVID-19 Library of 52 Resources
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🛠 Resources for SMBs and individuals 🛠
COVID Job Searching Resources
Massive list of training resources, hiring resources, layoff lists, etc.
90+ Startup Grants
Grants for startups, including federal and state-level grants, and grants for companies of particular industies.
Remote Work Tracker
Tracker that aggregates remote companies and their policies, including reviews, benefits, perks, and more.
800+ Job Openings in July 2020
800+ Job Openings from companies hiring in 2020, across a range of industries.
Startups flattening the curve
List of startups committed to supporting the COVID-cause.
Layoff tracker
Tracking which companies are laying off staff. Self-reported.
Hiring freezes
Which companies are on freezes.
Silver Lining
A supportive, welcoming community and help accelerate your transition into a new role
Coronavirus job postings
Tracker of new job postings
SaaS for COVID deals
Discounts and free access to various digital tools during COVID.
Guide to the CARES Act
Everything you need to know about how the new coronavirus relief bill applies to small businesses.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Report
See how the PPP’s loan disbursements were allocated.
Weekly startup funding tracker
Tracker starting on March 11 of startups still getting funded by industry, location, and round size.
COVID Newsletter Playbook
A resource developed by Newspack guiding you on how to deepen your relationship with your audience during COVID.
How did you make it through 2008?
Perspective on how companies made it through the last downturn.
COVID Second-Order Effects
A great resource for thinking about the second-order effects of the pandemic, many of which are already underway.
Unemployment benefits by State
Easy to use database for finding state-by-state unemployment benefits.
115 Free Coursera Certificates
100+ Coursera courses now available for free, in response to the pandemic
Best Time App
Tool to see when businesses are busiest, to avoid large crowds.

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📊 Data/Tracking 📊
Open Table booking data
Weekly data tracking restaurant reservations around the country.
COVID news by country
Resource tracking amount of COVID news daily, around the world.
Tableau case data
Open access to COVID data, which can be used/modeled directly in Tableau.
SimilarWeb traffic data
Web traffic data aggregated across different industries over time.
Safegraph foot traffic data
Foot traffic patterns monitored weekly, across different industries, regions, and brands.
Mobility data
Apple open-sourced mobility trends around the world throughout 2020. Updated live based on routing requests.
Google mobility report
Similar to Apple, Google released a mobility report based on region and business type.
Airplane cancellation tracker
Spreadsheet updated to reflect the state of major airlines across the world and how much business they have scaled back.
Homebase data on small businesses
Report up until the end of March detailed the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses, including wages lost and hours worked.
Womply revenue dashboard
Report on how industries are faring, according to credit card data.
TSA checkout throughput
Daily traveler throughput according to the TSA
Retail sales numbers
Monthly retail sales numbers dating back to 1992.
Foursquare Recovery Index
Analyze how major economic indicators are changing over time.
Good judgement recovery dashboard
COVID-19 related predictions from superforecasters.
Travel recovery insights
BCG’s open-source data portal, documenting supply and demand for air travel.
College re-opening data
Database of 2500+ colleges and their re-opening plans.
List of additional data resources
Open data including consumer spending, traffic, flight volume, and more.

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🦠 Virus or health-related 🦠
John Hopkins Dashboard
Comprehensive dashboard of COVID-19 cases and deaths across each country around the world, along with by county in the United States.
Tests per country
Dashboard comparing the testing rate of each country, relative to their population size.
Testing per day
Dashboards showing the number of tests each country is doing daily. You can also see the number of tests done per confirmed case.
COVID-19 Practical Home Care
A wonderful practical homecare guide for COVID-19 survivors, whether you have symptoms, are still recovering, or are looking to protect yourself/others.
Finding Testing
Searchable database of testing centres in the United States.
Project N95
Project helping healthcare providers source critical equipment.
Social distancing scoreboard
Monitor social distancing across the country. See regulatory updates here.
Covid Act Now
Site tracking the possibility of hospital overload, by location. Also see this projection tool.
COVID Volunteer projects
Project helping to crowd-source contribution to COVID-related projects.
Project by Instagram cofounders about the reproduction number, to measure the speed of spread in different places.
Simulation of an epidemic
Great video to visualize how epidemics spread, but also how measures taken can impact the future trajectory.
Workers facing the greatest risk
Great visualization walking you through the relative risk each profession faces during the pandemic.
The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do
A good explainer video of the virus
Cases by Country
Visual representation of each country's curve.
COVID country comparator
Editable interface for comparing countries.
State COVID-response tracker
Cases by state and territory.

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